4th of July Party Cleanup Guide

Red Isuzu junk truck
4th of July is just around the corner and Americans are preparing their homes for parties and public gathering. It is really important that your house and clean and give a welcoming look. Not to forget removing trash after the holiday is another job. but we've the tips to make it easy for you!

Table of Contents

How to Cleanup My House after 4th of July Party

Vacuuming rug after 4th july party

You know the party was great when you woke up all tired with muscle fatigue.

But you’re glad that it was a great time to spend with your family and friends and eat together at one table.

This is what the 4th of July is all about, celebrating independence with great enthusiasm and having quality time.

But what now? You wake with big piles of trash in your home and your backyard cluttered.

Be Calm!

It’s easier to say that but when your house is fully cluttered, it’s difficult to calm your nerves.

Take a thorough tour of your house and see what location needs the most attention.

Grab your gloves, put on music, and get ready for action.

It was a wild party so you don’t know what you might be picking up.

Get Rid of Disposable Cups/Beer Cans

Empty Beer Cans junk cleanup

As the name suggests, disposable cups and plates aren’t meant to be used again.

Carry all the disposable cups and plates and wrappers and throw them away in the dust bin.

Clean the TV Lounge

This is most likely the affected room.

As your family and friends enjoy watching a Baseball match with each other and share the treat.

Vacuum Carpet and Rug

Your expensive carpet now is the dirty after-party, as everyone stepped on it and threw garbage.

You might need to hand pick some items before vacuuming as items like nuts and coins might stuck in the machine.

Check For Electronics

Home T.V Remote

Your TV, DVD player, Console, XBOX, and other electronics.

Make sure everything is working fine and none of it was damaged by the guests.

In case of being broken, send them for repair.

Clean the Kitchen

The kitchen might be the second most attacked place by guests during the independence day party.

Hold your heart, as you might see broken dishes, tumblers, and your favorite coffee mug set.

Collect and Clean Dishes

Cups pile after a party

After getting rid of all disposable cups and plates:

  1. Scrap off all uneaten food in a bag
  2. Empty the glasses containing the remaining drinks and stack them for a wash.
  3. Get rid of greasy leftovers in the plates.

If you have a dishwasher, then things are pretty easy for sure.

Otherwise, collect the cutlery in the sink and wash them by hand.

Cleaning Bathroom


That might be the gross part. But you have to deal with it as well.

It is common to spot vomit and urine stains. In order to clean them up, grab a mop and water hose and clean the solids first.

Now give the rest of the toilet a good clean.

Remove all the towels from the washroom and send them to the laundry.

Cleaning Backyard and Porch

BBQ and swimming have become a common tradition in America and backyards and porch have become the most affected places.

Check for any remaining junk like bottles, cans, leftover food, debris, etc.

Now make your way and start cleaning up everything you see.

Sweep and/or vacuum the hallway, entrance way, and back door entry areas. All of these are likely to have experienced high traffic.

How To Remove the Junk (Pro Tip)

Alex Cleanouts and Junk Removals Team

Now when you have cleaned your house and are left with junk and garbage, you might be how to get rid of it.

As the pile is huge and you can’t do it all alone.

Well, all you have to do is just give a call to Alex Cleanouts here

They provide free estimates over the phone. So if you like the offer they will pick it up in an hour.

Or you can fill out the form here and attach relevant photos so Alex Cleanouts could guide you better.

Click here!

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